female cyclist with summer equipment

Tips for cycling on hot days

The last few days have been scorching heat. It's important to know how we can protect ourselves from high temperatures while cycling.

- Drink a lot of water
The day before you go cycling, keep yourself very hydrated. Our body is made up of a lot of water, and some of it will be lost in perspiration when riding a bicycle.
Include water and refreshing drinks in your diet. The ideal is to drink a lot of water daily as this is the only way to stay truly hydrated.

- Pedal in hours of less heat
 In the morning at sunrise or late afternoon at sunset are the best times to cycle in summer.

- Take a thermos bottle
The thermos will keep your water cold during the trip.

 - Put on sunscreen
On days of heat, the incidence of sunlight is much higher and can cause skin burns. Always apply sunscreen before the trip and take it with you to apply after a few hours.

 - Wear cycling glasses
The glasses will protect you from the sun's rays.